Jul 19, 2009

The 5 Golden Rules Of A Proper Green Diet

Is your green diet not working at maximum capacity? Is something missing from your green diet? Are you following a green diet that has not lived up to its name? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then your green diet is missing one or more of the 5 basic elements of every successful green diet.

Before we examine what the 5 golden rules of an effective and healthy green diet are, we must first understand the concept of acid-alkaline balance in our bodies.

The pH level of our internal environment affects every living cell in our body. Extended acid im-balances as well as an im-balanced body pH are not well tolerated by it and, almost invariably, lead to diseases. The point here is that our entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environ-ment to function to its maximum potential.

A chronically over acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 96,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of the heart to the neural firing of the brain.Above all, the acid/alkaline balance is a well known theory of the cause of overweight. It has shown that fat is actually an over acidification problem. Why? Because the body creates fat cells to carry acids away from vital organs, so these acids literally don't choke the organs to death. Fat is saving life! Fat is actually a response from the body to an alarming over acidic condition.The solution is to alkalize and energize the body and its cell system.

Changing to an alkaline lifestyle can result in a lean, trim body, while experiencing a new level of wellness, energy and fit-ness. These rules guide on how to become healthy, well balanced and fit again.

1. More Green and Yellow Vegetables and Grasses: Fresh vegetables and grasses are an excel-lent source of the alkaline salts that are anti?yeast, anti?fungal, and anti?mycotoxic. The chlorophyll (or "blood of the plant") contained in plants and grass is identical to the blood of humans, except for one atom. Green foods such as wheat grass and barley grass are some of the lowest?calorie, lowest?sugar, and most nutrient?rich foods on the planet. Also juiced, green vegetables are very cleansing. Vegetables and grasses are also loaded with fiber.

2. More Healthy (and NOT animal) Proteins: Broccoli, spinach, sprouts, garbanzo beans, tofu or fresh fish with scales and fins carry the sub?cellular units and the amino acids to make proteins in amounts that are congruent with the body's needs. Also, all green vegetables are high in calcium. Animal protein foods are unhealthy and provide more protein than is required by the human body. Our bodies are only 7 % protein. Animal protein foods often contribute factors to the body that are unneeded and then represent a challenge to dispose of (e.g., saturated fats).

3. More Alkaline Green Food Supplements: In case one shouldn't be able to completely change the diet to green and alkaline food, taking powdered alkaline supplements sprouted for maximum cell absorption is an option. With powdered greens the need to constantly eat healthy vegetables and greens disappears. Taking alkalizing, pH balancing and highly energizing green supplements is an easy way of adding 49 different grasses, vegetables, sprouted grains and leaves, as well as 125 vitamins, minerals and amino acids to your diet. If taken daily, they even allow to not changing eating habits, although it is recommended, of course.

4. More Alkali?forming Foods: Good alkali forming foods include fresh sprouts, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, avocados, lemons, limes, cucumbers, celery, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, aspara-gus, green beans, eggplant, broccoli, fresh tomatoes, zucchini, green/red/yellow peppers, onions, okra, garlic, parsley, watercress, cabbage, squashes, soy beans (tofu), garbanzo beans, raw almonds, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, sesame seeds, flax seed, sprouted grains and legumes. Green juices from all green vegetables and their tops are highly alkaline. Also, vegetable broths are extremely alkalizing to the body. These need to be yeast?free and preservative?free.

5. Drink Plenty of Alkaline Ionized Water: You can alkalize water in two ways; by adding alkaline minerals or by using a alkaline water ionizer. Water alkalizing drops formulae also work, although they do not clean or ionize the water. You should look for one that has proven beneficial. Using drops, all you need do is add some alkaline water formula to your drinking water to change it pH balance to alkaline. Alternatively a home water ionizer attached to your tap or to your cold water line, filters your water of all major impurities including chlorine and then separates and removes acid minerals, giving an unlimited stream of purified and powerful alkaline water. The magnetic process it employs gives a number of important side benefits. The water molecules are greatly reduced in size, offering far greater hydration ability. The minerals in the water are negatively charged, making them far more effectively absorbed. The water is also loaded with bound oxygen and negative hydrogen ions that are nature's original antioxidant. The latest water ionizers employ Far Infrared (FIR), emitting ceramics to help energize, soften and disinfect the water.

By following these five simple guidelines you can successfully implement healthy green diet that is operating to its maximum potential. By doing so ,you support all vital cellular activities and func-tions in your body and create new levels of healthiness, energy, wellness and fitness. It is that easy!


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