Jul 28, 2009

Why Alkaline Ionized Water Is Not Our Water Standard Yet?

So it’s not about whether alkaline water is good for us. It’s all about why we aren’t drinking it.

Well, there are reasons. One is that whenever a new way of removing obstacles to continued health and vitality is offered to the public, there is a reaction, usually - no - always - from vested interests.

Let’s take a look at this. If you were offered the opportunity to drink water that might not only help you break the acid cycle that leads almost inevitably to serious disease, that gave you a free powerful dose of antioxidants in every glass, that promised to detoxify you daily as long as you drank it, and that people reported giving them increased zest for life, would you still happy paying out for all of the supplements, painkillers, antioxidants etc that you were beginning
to see as a necessity?

If you decided to drink alkaline water every day for the rest of your life, and you were joined by a million others who used to spend (let’s say) $4000 a year on their health maintenance and acid condition remedies, don’t you think people selling those products might be a little worried?

Other water filter sellers are now faced with a new technology that they construe as threatening their continued livelihood. Its reasonable to assume that they might decide that the world can’t afford health so cheaply, and that it must be stopped before their livelihood is threatened.

The above scenario is, sadly, true to life. Large scale marketing dollars have already been spent to attempt to prevent you from choosing to own a water ionizer. The money involved is big because Im assume the spenders are terrified they will lose a lot more money if they don’t
campaign in every way possible to stop alkaline water.

These marketers would be rather depressed to learn that the World Health Organisation in June 06 voted to upgrade the minimum required standard of water supply for the whole world.No longer do they specify only clean water. Now they specify clean alkaline water. We receive a daily news sheet from the Water Quality Association of the USA (representing the water filtration industry) and it is quite obvious to us that they are worried!

However the marketers’ campaign does have an effect. They know that if you tell a lie often enough, in prominent enough places, enough people will believe it. Does anyone remember the campaign that said over, and over on the radio that Phillip Morris cigarettes cured smoker’s cough?

The smart marketers of today know it‘s all about catching the buyer’s attention, and this particular campaign uses fear of sickness as its calling card, with offers of free gifts to everyone who asks for an ‘explosive report that reveals what alkaline water sellers don’t want you to hear’!

So we’d like to spend a little time discussing the biggest claim these marketers make to assist you to make your own informed choice.

If Alkaline water is so good for you, why don’t we all have it supplied to our homes?

Our ‘normal’ water supply today is faced with many problems; deposition of toxic chemicals from the air, runoff of agricultural chemicals, infusion of medicinal compounds via recycling, increased urban encroachment on catchment areas, and the ever-increasing threat of drought, which in turn causes toxic concentration of all of the above. With lower water levels concentrating density of toxins, parasites and decaying organics, authorities are challenged as never before to maintain safe water.

They have very few tools. After primary filtration, they have only chlorine or fluoride to kill or neutralize anything still in the water. They are forced to increase chlorine or fluoride levels, often above accepted safety standards simply because their filtration systems cannot do anything else to reduce toxicity levels. They are then faced with a new dilemma. Chlorine is acidifying. If they send acidic water down the pipes, it will eat away at the copper and lead in the pipes, increasing heavy metal concentration and consumption even more. Furthermore, although the chlorine has killed organisms, the organisms are still in the water.

Tap water becomes a veritable ‘graveyard’ of bug carcasses. The only answer authorities have is
to add more lime, or calcium carbonate. This changes the pH of the water by changing the ‘balance’ of the minerals in the water to more alkaline than acid. Your water becomes laden with both acid and alkaline minerals, but the water regulator strives to keep the pH just above a neutral pH of 7. It’s easy to judge when this happens. You will smell the chlorine gas, even when it comes from an outside garden tap.


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